Ups, Downs, and our Attachment to Each
In martial arts and meditation we strive to become aware of our emotional states and learn to ride the waves of physical and internal energy to our benefit. The ups and downs become more predictable, just like practicing falls on the count. Teaching and watching this happen from the outside has given me some perspective, but taking care of a baby has made me increasingly aware of the natural rhythms
Empowering Context
Creating an empowering context is a crucial skill. Empowering context is basically shifting your mindset so that you get energy from a given situation and you can flow creatively to meet challenges. An example of an empowering context we talk about all the time in martial arts is to treat challenges like opportunities. When someone throws a punch in kung fu or tries to sweep you in BJJ, this is
Baby Zen
Aside from the moments where I am avoiding punches in Kung Fu or getting tapped in BJJ, I can’t recall being as present as I have been since baby Alora was born. For one, I basically have nothing to do except help take care of her. Aside from some grocery shopping, writing this blog is one of the few things I’ve had to do. I don’t generally have worries or
Asking for Help
The theme for this year's Kung Fu retreat was “asking for help”. The idea came to me as we were talking about using the jo (a 4 ft staff) for a few drills. It's basically the same size as a walking stick. Using a walking stick is kind of like asking for help. Really, any time you use a weapon in Martial Arts is like asking for help. It doesn't
Stillness within Motion
This Tuesday was the Dojo’s twelfth anniversary. As I reflect on all the wonderful students that have come through these doors and the amazing experiences we’ve shared, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude. There’s nothing I’d rather do with my life. It is a true joy and honor to share the mats with each of you. When we first opened the Dojo we had one kid in each of the first classes and