Beginner’s Mind in Martial Arts and Life
Since the Kohnens tested for their black sash two weeks ago the dojo has been buzzing with excitement. I’ve had lots of questions about what it means to be a black sash or black belt and yesterday got a familiar question about what the colors mean. I explained that the symbolism of a sash or belt getting darker in color is like getting more experience in martial arts. If you
Use it or Lose it
As most of you know, I had Covid last week. I finally tested negative on Monday, but seeing that sweet single line show up wasn’t the end of it. I’ve felt great for the last few days, have had basically no symptoms and good energy. I felt great Monday morning, so I decided I would go from no physical activity to maximum physical activity. Morning exercise, go to Jiu Jitsu,
We have a few tests coming up soon in the dojo, including our first ever black sash test at the end of March. I’ve been thinking a lot about testing lately, and I’ve gotten a few questions about the process. Some people wonder about the logistics (when do I test, what’s on the test), while others are curious about how hard the test is and are probably wondering if they’re
SMART Goals for your Best Year Ever
Imagine this will be the best year of your life. Not the best year so far, but the best you will ever have. That will certainly set the bar high for your goal setting. You know nothing will top whatever you do in the next 12 months. This may help you see things from a new perspective. To take this even further, try this: imagine what goals the most dynamic,
The Power of Breathing
This week at the dojo we are focusing on breathing. I first wrote this article several years ago but have updated it with some specifics about this week’s specific breathing exercise. The breath seems like a silly thing to think about if you haven’t done it before in martial arts, Tai Chi, meditation or other internal work. You may think, I have plenty to worry about already. Now I need to