Patience, Mindfulness and Bending Time
Yesterday afternoon, I was participating in one of humanity’s favorite pastimes: sitting on the couch and thinking about the time I have to get things done this week. When I recognize my mind going past the helpful phase of listing and planning (I need to go grocery shopping and take my car in to get serviced) and into the unhelpful phase of lamenting (I have to go shopping every week…I’ll
10 years
This Saturday marks 10 years since our first day of classes at the School of Martial Arts. We originally opened the school at a location a few blocks away. We moved to our current location when we ran out of space about 3 years ago. Many students who joined us in the first few weeks are still practicing as red sashes in Kung Fu and senior students in Tai Chi.
Growing old
Some of you reading this may not have yet experienced the negative aspects of growing old. Early in life we can’t wait to grow up so that we have all the perceived freedoms in life. We see parents and older siblings driving, staying up late, eating whatever we want instead of what you are allowed. It’s not until we get older that we realize that eating whatever we want doesn’t
Beginner’s Mind
[Growing old post] In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few. - Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind Beginner’s mind is one of the most important concepts in our practice. When we come to a martial arts class as a beginner, everything is new and exciting. Instead of thinking, I know this already, we approach everything with a sense of awe. When we sit to meditate as
SMART Goals for a Better Year
Every new year I like to talk about setting and achieving SMART goals. Many people set new years resolutions like “be healthier” or “work out more” and like clockwork, gyms around the country are packed for the next month. Sometime in February, most people slide back into old routines and gyms are empty once more. There are several reasons for this. For one, it is difficult to stay motivated while lifting