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West LA Martial Arts

Patience tai chi wardoff

Yesterday afternoon, I was participating in one of humanity’s favorite pastimes: sitting on the couch and thinking about the time I have to get things done this week. When I recognize my mind going past the helpful phase of listing and planning (I need to go grocery shopping and take my car in to get serviced) and into the unhelpful phase of lamenting (I have to go shopping every week…I’ll just eat these groceries and have to do it again next week. What is life, just doing the same stuff over and over again until you die?) I shift my mindset. I’m pretty good at this since I’ve practiced it for about 20 years, but it’s always a funny experience.

This time I was struck by the tendency we have to think in terms of work days and weeks. Our society and work lives are structured in a way that pushes us to see things in this medium-short term: we wake up and start stressing about what needs to get done today before we can relax, as well as what needs to get done this week before we can relax on the weekend. I notice that for me, this isn’t the most conducive mindset for a happy, fulfilled life.

Focus on the moment

Focusing on the present gives us an instantaneous break from this stress/work mindset. We focus on the task at hand and can enjoy accomplishing it rather than worrying about what’s next. We focus on this breath and invite our awareness fully into this moment. Tai Chi and meditation teach us how to do this, and it is incredibly powerful. Take learning the 108 in Tai Chi or even a shorter form in Kung Fu. At first, it seems like an overwhelmingly large task. How will I ever remember all of this? Yet you begin learning one posture or partner at a time and eventually it adds up to the entire sequence. One day, almost by accident, you’ve learned the whole form.

This is one way that patience works in our practice and in life. If we aren’t stressed about having to get good right away, it frees us up to enjoy the present moment. Rather than trying to rush through this moment, we recognize that life is just a sequence of moments to enjoy. As Yamamoto Tsunetomo says in the classic samurai text Hagakure, “There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment. A man’s whole life is a succession of moment after moment.”

Bending Time

Patience also allows us to bend time in the other direction, to see things in terms of years, decades and lifetimes. This can give us the perspective necessary to weather a storm in the short term. If we are bogged down by the stress of the day or week, we can zoom out to a more helpful time frame. By seeing the big picture, we remind ourselves that this too shall pass

The internal challenge for this week is to recognize any time you wish something was going faster, then pause and practice patience. By making this a habit, you will no longer be a slave to impatience. Each moment becomes an opportunity to fully experience life and enjoy it.


  • Silvia

    I appreciate this sharing very much. It’s very challenging to be present, especially here in America where we value productivity and speed so highly. I find many folks don’t understand that there is a problem with constantly living in the future as opposed to the present.

    May 5, 2022
  • Vanessa

    This is so wonderful. I have been learning how to slow down and it’s made all the difference in the world. I found that before this, any time my mind was idle I would always drift into unnecessary worry or anxiety simply by default. I love the idea that “life is just a sequence of moments to enjoy.” Right now I can use this to keep my analytical mind occupied working on the “problem” of the coming sequences, while I enjoy the moments more consciously. We’ll see if they ever align to complete harmony!

    May 5, 2022
    • SifuScott

      Aligning to complete harmony is a wonderful goal to have. Good luck!

      May 9, 2022
  • Monica

    Excellent! Thanks Sifu. By always being in the future or the past, I waste the most important which is the present!

    May 6, 2022
    • SifuScott

      Awareness is key!

      May 9, 2022
  • Sylvia Dana

    Very insightful and something that I’ve had to learn the hard way

    May 6, 2022
    • SifuScott

      As long as it’s learned!

      May 9, 2022

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Sifu Scott is the 3rd student to reach the rank of black under Sifu Robert Brown, a martial arts master with black belts in 4 different martial arts styles who has tought thousands of students over 40 years. Sifu Scott has also completed a pilgrimage to China to visit the Shaolin monks and briefly studied Aikido at the Hombu Dojo in Japan. Sifu Scott is also a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and still practicing under Roger Machado, one of the highest ranking Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioners in the world with a coral belt.

Sifu Scott is passionate about teaching martial arts to all ages, kids, adults and seniors. Students learn Kung Fu, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, T’ai Chi and Meditation and in all programs deepen their mindfullness practice, becoming the best version of themselves.

Working hours

Monday – Friday:
09:00 am – 8:00 pm

09:00 am – 1:30 pm

Sunday Closed