Blog 11: Martial Arts, Toothpaste, the Scientist and the Caveman, Part 2
The Scientist and the Caveman I first heard this idea from Sifu Donaue a few years ago and I loved it. In order to practice martial arts effectively and become great, you have to be part scientist and part caveman. Everybody
Blog: Legends of Kung Fu, Part 2
Kung Fu and the Shaolin Monks Before Da Mo arrived, the monks at Shaolin Temple spent their days hunched over desks, translating texts and sutras. As a result, they were in dismal physical shape. Da Mo found the monks falling asleep
Blog: Legends of Kung Fu, Part 1
Legends of Kung Fu According to legend, Kung Fu was invented at Shaolin temple in China by an Indian monk named Bodhidharma (Da Mo), who also is the founder of Zen. This is his story: Bodhidharma was born the son of the
Blog: New Year’s Resolutions, Part 2
Break it down Rather than focusing on the end result (which can be overwhelming, especially if your goal is substantial), focus on the first step. If your goal is to write a book, begin with the outline, or the first chapter,
Blog: New Year’s Resolutions, Part 1
New Year’s Resolutions This is my favorite time of year. This is the time of year that lives can change. When I started practicing martial arts with Sifu Brown I was 17 years old. I had never tried meditating before, nor had
Martial Arts class on the beach
Kids Wushu, Tai Chi and Kung Fu on the beach in Santa Monica. We offer this free martial arts class on the beach every couple of months. Make sure you're on our email list so you know when the next