Asking for Help
The theme for this year's Kung Fu retreat was “asking for help”. The idea came to me as we were talking about using the jo (a 4 ft staff) for a few drills. It's basically the same size as a
Stillness within Motion
This Tuesday was the Dojo’s twelfth anniversary. As I reflect on all the wonderful students that have come through these doors and the amazing experiences we’ve shared, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude. There’s nothing I’d rather do with my life. It
Our Defining Moments
Nobody likes being defined in a limiting way by other people. If someone looked at me and says, “that’s a white man”. While of course that’s true it also misses a lot about me. One Saturday morning a Chinese man
The Art of Difficult Conversations
The internal challenge in the dojo this week is to have one difficult conversation that you’ve been putting off. For some of you, you immediately know the conversation you need to have. For others, you may spend a minute thinking.
Areté, Goals and Zen
Areté is an ancient Greek word that translates to excellence in effort, or of a thing. It refers to doing one’s best at a chosen activity, which could be a physical action. Importantly, the concept also included excellence of moral
Finding Purpose and Meaning
The question of the week is: Do I search for purpose and meaning, or does it find me? This hints at our experience of finding purpose and meaning in life. For many of us it seems like a long journey, perhaps
Emotional Content and the Breath
The question of the week in the dojo is, “What is the secret to inner strength?” This got me thinking about a few things. For one, the breath. Whether you’re doing specific energy work like Qigong and Tai Chi, breathing
Partners Under Pressure
Pressure often shows up at tournaments. This weekend in the dojo we had our first kids grappling tournament since Covid. It was a great afternoon with lots of close matches. In the end, each division could only have one winner.
Getting Overwhelmed
The question of the week is How do you react when you’re overwhelmed? Let’s dissect the question a bit. First, the word react assumes a more or less automatic action, as opposed to a deliberate response. Most of us go through
Taking off your Shoes
We take off our shoes before entering the mats in the dojo for a few reasons. One, we practice barefoot for safety (some kicks and brazilian jiu jitsu techniques are more difficult or dangerous with shoes). Two, it is cleaner