Mind Rut
Sometimes a mind rut can sneak up on us. While we were stretching at the beginning of the kids Wushu class yesterday, I mentioned the test coming up. One of the kids in the front row said, “I don’t think
Intentions and our Highest Self
In an Aikido class I took many years ago at Sifu Brown’s dojo, I heard a wonderful way of conceptualizing the different levels of self. If I remember correctly, the teacher’s name was Sensei Bob Nadou. He said that when
A Martial Artist’s Approach to Excuses
The Question of the Week is "What excuses am I making?". Just asking this question on a regular basis is huge. An honest approach to discovering where we can make improvements is crucial to our Martial Arts practice. As soon
Beginner’s Mind in Martial Arts and Life
Since the Kohnens tested for their black sash two weeks ago the dojo has been buzzing with excitement. I’ve had lots of questions about what it means to be a black sash or black belt and yesterday got a familiar
Use it or Lose it
As most of you know, I had Covid last week. I finally tested negative on Monday, but seeing that sweet single line show up wasn’t the end of it. I’ve felt great for the last few days, have had basically
We have a few tests coming up soon in the dojo, including our first ever black sash test at the end of March. I’ve been thinking a lot about testing lately, and I’ve gotten a few questions about the process.
SMART Goals for your Best Year Ever
Imagine this will be the best year of your life. Not the best year so far, but the best you will ever have. That will certainly set the bar high for your goal setting. You know nothing will top whatever
The Power of Breathing
This week at the dojo we are focusing on breathing. I first wrote this article several years ago but have updated it with some specifics about this week’s specific breathing exercise. The breath seems like a silly thing to think about
My Story About Me
When I was a child I was given a book with the title My Book About Me. It was a Dr. Seuss book with illustrations. There was a picture of me looking funny with an oversized baseball hat that my
Lessons from Internal Retreat
Last weekend we had our annual Internal Retreat at Mt. Baldy Zen Center. We had an amazing time practicing Tai Chi and meditating in nature. Here are some of the lessons that stand out for me. Silence at the Internal Retreat This