5th Self Defense Seminar
Best use of a clinch in a self defense situation. Standing arm bar knife defense Listening to Sifu at the end of the self defense seminar.
Weapons Defense Class
Students learned different techniques to use against common attacks in our weapons defense class. Techniques for attacks from a stick, a gun and a knife were learned. Here are some pictures from the knife defense - a standing arm bar, taking our partner to
Martial Arts for Self-Defense
There are many wonderful reasons to practice martial arts. Learning self-defense, getting a great workout, learning mental and physical discipline, even doing something engaging and fun are all common things people tell me they are looking for when starting in
Women’s Self Defense Class May 2016
Sifu Scott taught a class focusing on general concepts for staying safe. Students practiced simple strikes and kicks, joint locks and techniques to use if somebody takes you to the ground. Students practicing the standing arm bar Sifu teaching a student the details for